Our mini-guides offer online ready-to-use manuals. Starting from practical questions and clear examples, they explain different tailor-made contents step by step in a practical way, adapted to the needs and challenges of local organizations. They are oriented towards application in everyday practices and thus ease operations. They are didactical and pedagogical at the same time make sure that core ideas are acquired once completed.

The mini-guides are based on expressed or encountered needs from local actors.

They are easy to access, in terms of content as well as by being available on a smartphone or a tablet.
Each mini guide can be followed by an (online) training session.

The mmini-guides are aimed at different audiences, ranging from organizations
seeking to strengthen the capacities of their starting humanitarian workers who are seeking to understand basic concepts and principles, to more experienced organizations seeking to explore more complex themes in order to strengthen the collective skills of the organization.

Mini-guides also sometimes complement organizational support by offering contextualized local support to local associations, sometimes in collaboration with an international partner. This was the case, for example, with the NGANGU project aimed at the organizational development of 12 local associations in the Central African Republic in collaboration with TEARFUND RCA.

Demos (available currently only in French) give you an idea of the content of each mini guide.
If you are interested in our mini-guides, contact CERAR.



Initier un projet pour un bailleur





La logique du 'Cadre Logique'






Ecrire un rapport narratif



new mini-guides expected soon



Déterminer vos Vision et Mission






Composer un budget équilibré




The mini guides require the use of EdApp app, downloadable for free