21, 22 and 23 Octobre 2021
the first film festivals in France focusing on humanitarian action
The Humanitarian Film Festival, created in 2008, is one of the first film festivals in France focusing on humanitarian action. Through film screenings and debates, CERAR wishes to inform public opinions and to support audiences to question their understanding of major humanitarian issues.
a civic and educational event in its own right
Being a civic and educational event in its own right, the festival includes discussion times after each screening. They are led by practitioners and specialists, giving the opportunity to acquire additional tools to understand the challenges of the space given to local initiatives in the humanitarian world.
The 2021 edition highlights local resilience initiatives
in protracted crises – in the North as well as in the South.

In fragile contexts, the first responders are often the very communities. Their support to people affected by crises testifies to their mobilization capacities and their extraordinary resilience. These local initiatives come from a few people, a neighborhood, a community or more structured local organizations. They also highlight other ways of observing, reading, understanding and responding to crises. Despite the essential and undeniable value of these actions, they are often invisible, overlooked or even ignored. CERAR during the 2021 edition of the Humanitarian Film Festival wishes to pay tribute to these local initiatives and resilient populations by offering them a platform to present their endeavours. CERAR gives you the opportunity to interact with them and gain a better understanding of their role in the humanitarian system
Given the current pandemic,
the 2021 edition of our humanitarian cinema meeting gathering digital.