To ensure a gradual and staged approach, BOOST is organized in several cycles. Each cycle is composed of different stages, according to the PDCA cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Adjust)..



Because a job well planned is half finished, the planning phase is divided into three stages:

  • the 360° guided self-evaluation identifies strengths, good practices and improvement needs in a participatory manner.

  • le choice of 3 pivotal changes (following the spider's web theory) allows prioritization on the basis of a realistic deadline, available resources (financial, human and logistical) and the strategic objectives of each association.

  • an adjustable action plan allows the operationalization of pivotal cchanges in a phased manner and real-time adaptation, based on the current circumstances, internal to the association or linked to contextual changes.


The associations are closely supervised and monitored, thanks to our Contextualized Proximity Mentorship (CPM) which offers real-time monitoring of action plans in everyday operations, immediate adjustments if necessary and the integration of learning into the practice.


Sufficient time is made available to evaluate participatorily processes and results, to capitalize on learning and draw lessons


'Lessons learned' are made operational by applying 'the rule of 3' (identify 3 'lessons learned' to implement in everyday practice).

The experiences, results and learnings of each cycle serve as a basis for the next cycle,
thus creating a gradual and progressive capacity strengthening process.


the principles



Contextualised Proximity Mentorship