


2017 – 84 min
Origin: Afghanistan / France
Directed by: Louis Meunier
With: Roya Heydari, Farid Joya and Ghulam Reza Rajabi
Original language: Persian

Day 1 (Thursday October 21 – 7:00 p.m. CEST)
Culture, a driver of resilience in front of the Taliban (Afghanistan)

We open the Humanitarian Film Festival ’with the story of four students who decide to carry out a daring project: to renovate an abandoned cinema, which miraculously survived 30 years of war, as an act of resilience and resistance against the Taliban. In a society ravaged by the legacies of war, where certain religious radicalisms weigh on morals and customs, culture, a symbol of freedom and emancipation, is often viewed with suspicion or even with hatred. But the history of these young people also shows us the power of resilience, of local initiatives to recreate social ties and plan for a better future.

After the screening, we will discuss the resistance and resilience of the Afghan people in the current situation affecting the country.
More generally, we will ask ourselves if culture can be a vector of resilience in such situations.


Yukon, canada – sol souverain

2019 – 91 min
Origin : Canada
Directed by : David Curtis
Original language : français

Day 2 (Saturday October 22 – 7:00 p.m. CEST)
Adaptations, local initiatives and knowledge responding to the challenges of climate change (Canada)

Climate change must be considered nowadays as a protracted crisis, impacts are more and more visible and measured and adapted responses sought. At the hedge of the Canadian boreal forest, outside the small subarctic town of Dawson City, Yukon, a handful of farmers cultivate it all; Brussels sprouts covered with snow or apples. With hard work and local know-how, they managed to develop small plots of fertile land in an expanse of wild nature.

After the screening of the film, we will discuss possible responses and adaptations to climate change
and the possibility of drawing on traditional knowledge to offer another relationship to the land. Are we ready?


Terre de Sumud

2009 – 91 min
Origin : France
Directed by : Stéphane Valentin
Original language : french

with the participation of

Day 3 (Friday October 23 – 7:00 p.m. CEST)
Political independence requires economic resilience (Palestine)

“We Palestinians have one hand broken and the other working, there is no room for a begging hand.” Despite the conditions in which the Palestinians live, they remain an upright people who continue to undertake and believe in the possibility of economic independence, without the need for the compassion or international donations that the West is used to give.  Far from the usual tragic images, the film presents a country that resists and is patient; it presents the strength of “Sumud”.

After the screening of the film, we will discuss the resilience and resistance in everyday life,
patient but active that can be found in the adaptation and maintenance of economic activities, particularly
when they are based on traditional knowledge.